Our Approach
Alamo City Consultants provides a unique approach to each organizations needs. An initial meeting will assist both our consultant and your organization with an idea of the approach needed and the services and tools the organization might utilize as an effective approach for enhancement by identifying the SWOT that exist.
Our Approach
Our Story
Our Story
With more then 15 years experience in all areas and levels in Nonprofit organizations and 25 years in the area of education-mental health-disabilities area. Alamo City Consultants brings a vast amount of experience in order that they can partner to provide the necessary services an organization might need to excel and be successful. We encourage inclusivity in organizations as the most successful organizations celebrate diversity because it fosters creativity which can make a better work place. Providing the necessary services needed to areas which might require added attention is an area in which we have proven experience. In Nonprofit organizations the day to day functions and the many facets of the organization occasionally become challenging and could benefit from consultation or coaching. With the vast amount of successful experience, the certifications, education, etc. Alamo City Consultants can assist with all of your needs and the transformation that occurs will be for the betterment of the agency.
Yolanda Pineda Valenzuela, MS
Founder & CEO
Yolanda Valenzuela is the Founder & CEO of Alamo City Consultants. She has a Master's Degree in Counseling & Guidance and is currently pursuing a PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Industrial/Organizational. She has earned a National Nonprofit certification. She has more then 15 years Nonprofit experience in all levels and all areas of Nonprofit organizations. She is an expert in the area of Volunteer Engagement, Child Abuse training, resource connections, Diversity, CPS court processes and community collaborations. She has engaged in consulting organizations with overall assessments and has been successful with assisting these organizations in areas that needed attention in order that the agencies have shown improvement and thrived with amazing end results of success. In addition, Yolanda has 25 years in the area of Special Education and advocating for individuals with disabilities and Mental Health disorders. Yolanda has assisted and consulted organizations with Public Relations with great success by connecting with media outlets through press releases that have proven to be effective.
Yolanda was a member of Leadership San Antonio 36 where they provided great opportunities to enhance individual leadership, gain insight on community issues and initiatives and help foster network connections for all of their membership. In 2016 Yolanda was selected by the San Antonio Business Journal as nonprofit employee of the year. In 2013, Yolanda was awarded the Meteor award by the San Antonio Women's Chamber of Commerce. In 2012, Yolanda was awarded CASA Program Director of the year from a pool of 69 CASA organizations. Yolanda continues to serve, and is the past chair of 5 years, on the Bexar County Child Welfare board.
Next Steps...
Alamo City Consulting provides organizations and agencies free initial consultation. Alamo City Consultation has provided services to enhance Volunteer recruitment and retention, Public Relations and media appearances, agency overview in order to identify opportunities for improvement, employee coaching, organization consultation, moderator services, and many more other services. Please call 210.724.3121 or email yvalenzuela@alamocityconsultants.com to set up an introductory meeting.